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We were rushing now because it was hurricane season and tropical storm conditions were getting worse.
We anchored off the west side of Nevis.  The mountain virtually blocks the effects of the trades, but this is no place to be if a hurricane comes a-knocking.
We picked an anchorage between several other boats north of  the town dock and south of a beach resort.
You can run right up to the beach and drop the hook in crystal clear water with a sandy bottom.  The resort down the way provides daily entertainment with skiers, towed passengers and Seadoos cavorting around your boat.  It's very quiet at night.
This is the town dock.
This is another popular anchoring spot.
Cleo is becoming very relaxed around us.  She has been wolfing food as fast as we put it down.  This is a problem for the Boyz and she is starting to get a little too fat.
She has her own lookout spot.  We think she looks a little like
"Jabba the Hutt."
Down below deck, she has staked out her sleeping area and the
Boyz have decided not to contest it.